Tuesday, September 20, 2022

EOTO Technology Presentations

Social media was one of the technologies that I learned about throughout the presentations.

People use social media as a means of communication to establish online social communities where they exchange knowledge, concepts, and other materials.

Social media has expanded during the 20th century.

LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Youtube, and Pinterest are just a few examples of the social media platforms that have an impact on society by enabling people to share their tales and adventures from wherever they are, giving others a closer peek into their life. 

Social media is a constructed tool for virtual communication and instant connection.

Social media platforms are used by businesses to communicate information, expand their brands, and share content globally.

On social media platforms like LinkedIn, you can disclose your current employment status and professional qualifications in addition to looking for opportunities.

People can locate people who share their interests and values using dating applications like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge, as some examples.

There is also a social media platform called Pinterest where people can share recipes, room designs, and styles.

The benefit of social media is that it gives people a platform to express their own thoughts and emotions.

Social media has both positive and negative effects, though mostly positive ones.

The mental health of users of social media has been impacted.

The occurrence of body dysmorphia, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and FOMO on social media platforms is rising.

It has also made it possible for cyberbullying to happen.

It provides bullies with a location where they may harass others online.

Bullying can also occur in an anonymous setting.

People's private and personal information can be easily shared on social media, which is another drawback.

The majority of platforms do a decent job of protecting their media from hacking.

Social media is still growing and will continue to grow over the years.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Anti-War Website thoughts

I discovered as I was looking at the information on these sites that it is not true that we never hear about this stuff because most people have heard about part of it. 

Simply said, this information is not the focus of attention. 

This kind of discussion can frequently be highly controversial. 

Due to the fact that their knowledge is based on opinions, these authors' viewpoints are not generally held. 

whereas information tends to favor one viewpoint.

Before this assignment, I had never ever heard of or visited these websites. 

These websites are probably not frequently visited because they are not where people go to find information. 

The majority of individuals don't typically obtain their information from websites that are frequently visited by people. 

People gravitate to the websites they use the most or the ones that appear first when they want to receive their essential information.

The website that was assigned to us was largely biased, and when you want to know something, you don't really care what other people think. 

Additionally, they obscure the primary issue and highlight the reasoning for why a conversation is even taking place.

Strong anti war voices can be found online, but I think this is necessary because they actually don't want people to hear them. 

The president, the government, and all of the politicians want us to hear their opinions, not those of others, about what we should do.

They want us to support them and dismiss the opinions of others.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Communication Technology

The History 

The communication technology of today is different from those of the past.

They have been modified to utilize more advanced technologies that are quicker, easier to use, and more effective.

The printing press is one of those inventions. Johannes Gutenberg invented printing in the 15th century. 

It was a quick, easy, affordable method of timely information transmission. 

It was made unnecessary to repeatedly repeat the same handwritten message in order to spread knowledge by the invention of the printing press.

There is no doubt that this technology has improved the state of the globe. 

The Impact 

It has aided in the quicker production of books, magazines, banners, and the Bible. 

However, much like most other inventions, the printing press has a downside. 

Information spreads more quickly thanks to the printing press, and once it's published in a newspaper, it's difficult to retract. 

It is by far a more effective method of distributing information and has sped up information delivery throughout the world.

Extra Information

Chinese monks used the block printing technique to print ink on paper before the printing press was created, which is one of the printing press's interesting historical details.

Before the printing press was invented people would use either wooden or metal blocks with ink on them to print their work.

The introduction of printing changed the way that Buddhism was practiced in the area.

The Chinese woodblock printing system was known as xylography.

One thing that I have learned was even though Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press he basically adopted the idea of printing from China.

In my perspective, the printing press has advanced significantly and is a useful tool. 

We now refer to it as a printer; we can print our documents in color; and some printers have a bluetooth system built into them, allowing us to link our laptops with them and transfer documents directly to the printer, which saves us from having to get out of bed to print documents.

Also some printers nowadays have a copier attached with them to where we can copy and print our work all on one device.

Sources: https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/the-invention-and-history-of-the-printing-press

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Freedom of speech

What are the 8 Values of Free Expression?

  • Marketplace of Ideas- The idea that the reality or acceptance of ideas is determined by their competition with one another rather than by the judgment of a critic, whether one is provided by the government or by some other authority.

  • Participation in Self-Government- Any procedure that directly involves the public in decision-making and fully takes into account public input while making that decision might be considered public participation.

  • Stable Change- Whether personality qualities present at birth remain stable or change throughout life is a topic of discussion in developmental psychology.

  • Individual Self-Fulfillment- It entails bringing oneself to a state of flourishing fulfillment and bringing out one's best qualities so that it serves as a successful conclusion of one's goals or potentials. It implies a well-lived life that is profoundly fulfilling, productive, and worthwhile in this way.

  • Check on Governmental Power- To show how citizens can learn about power abuses and, if they are motivated to, take action against the abuse at the polls, freedom of the press is essential.

  • Promote Tolerance- A more tolerant society is thought to be a better society, which has been supported by the argument that freedom of speech, particularly by our practice of protecting speech that is offensive to us personally or that we find cruel, teaches us to be more tolerant in other areas of life.

  • Promote Innovation-  The claim that freedom of speech, in particular our practice of protecting speech that is offensive to us personally or that we find hurtful, teach us to be more tolerant in other areas of our lives has been supported by the idea that a more tolerant society is considered to be a better society.

  • Protect Dissent- If you want protection for the things you enjoy, you first have to protect the things you don't like.

Which One I feel is Important

In my opinion I feel promoting Innovation  is closest's to me because I believe that it is important to be able to have freedom of speech. 

Freedom of speech is very important because it allows for people to state their feelings and opinions. 

If people were not allowed to state what was on their mind it would make people angry and things might not ever change. 

People should be allowed to express their thoughts without feeling like they have to hide their emotions.

I also see promoting Innovation in action today like when people don’t agree with laws or other things. 

People occasionally protest with signs and sometimes share their thoughts and opinions.  

That is where I see promoting innovation. 

I definitely feel privileged to live in a place where I can express my thoughts and opinions to where I don’t have to hide how I feel or be limited to what I am allowed to say.

When I was younger I definitely didn’t feel like I should speak up to where I was a quiet child and would let people tell me what I should believe in, how things should be and the way you should act.

As I have gotten older I've learned that when you don’t feel right about something or things might be unfair you need to speak up. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

Supreme Court Article and Video

What is the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court of the United States is the nation's highest federal court and the head of the government's judicial branch.

It is the most powerful judicial organization in the entire world.

The Supreme Court of the United States was formed by the US Constitution, and it has the power to make decisions about US legislation.

They make use of their power to monitor the legislative and executive branches of the government and determine whether laws are constitutional.

The Supreme Court is the final judge of all legal disputes out of the Constitution or the laws of the United States.

The promise of equal justice under the law for all Americans is upheld by the Supreme Court, which serves as the ultimate authority of legal interpretation.

By doing this, it also protects and interprets the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

To be completely honest, I knew very little about the Supreme Court before reading the article and doing any research.

I was aware of a few pieces of information here and there, but I was never able to really appreciate what the Supreme Court was doing to help the public.

What did I learn?

One thing I discovered was that the United States Supreme Court originally consisted of six Justices who remained in the courtroom until their deaths or retirements. 

I also learned they sit in a specific order: the Chief Justice sits in the center chair having the Associate Justice sit on the right and the Second senior on the left then after that they alternate seats based on seniority.

They are also required to wear a specific attire while they are in the courtrooms which is a black robe.

Before I read this I would have never known this or thought about this.

What was Surprising?

One thing that I found surprising was that before settling at the current level of nine Justices in 1869, the number of Justices on the Supreme Court altered six times. 

There have only been 17 Chief Justices and 104 Associate Justices since the Court's founding in 1790, with each Justice holding office for an average of 16 years. 

The Court occasionally welcomed new Justices and different points of views throughout its history despite its significant institutional continuity; on average, a new Justice joins the Court roughly every two years. 

The six founding Justices were chosen by President Washington, who also chose four additional Justices before the end of his second term. 

President Franklin D. Roosevelt came close to breaking this record during his lengthy term by selecting eight justices and advancing Justice Harlan Fiske Stone to be the Chief of Justice.

This surprised me due to the fact I would have never thought it would have taken six times to decide the number of Justices on the Supreme Court

Thursday, September 1, 2022

5 News Sources


WRAL is the first place I go to for news.

I utilize this site because it is the local news station in my hometown.

They report breaking news about local events, such as sporting contests, community gatherings, and possible traffic jams.

In my perspective, WRAL does a fantastic job not just reporting on events in the local area, but also tackling global issues and political issues that are also present in the global community.

I also believe the news I'm hearing is accurate. 

Additionally, I think their website is simple to navigate and always helps me find the information I'm looking for.

I read the news on the WRAL website more frequently than I sit and watch it.

By using their website and the WRAL app, which I have on my phone, they make it simple to access the news while on the go.

CNN is my second go-to source for breaking news.

My teachers would turn on CNN in the mornings for us to watch and choose a current event to write on throughout middle school and high school.

In my perspective, CNN is simple to understand, and they explain their news simply.

Additionally, they talk about the current events in an approachable manner.

They attempt to make their news fascinating for you to watch, in my opinion.

I also watch CNN 10 when I'm in a rush or don't want to see the complete news stories.

Facebook is the third place I go to for news.

I believe that Facebook is where I find the majority of the news articles I read to be interesting.

Adults I know share the most recent news, and you can also hear what other people think and feel about the events that are happening right now.

Sometimes stories that I don't even follow show up, yet they nevertheless attract my attention to the point that I stop and click the link to read them.

Most of the time, I find the news intriguing enough to want to learn more, which usually prompts me to hunt up additional stories about it.

YouTube is the fourth place I go to for news. 

I prefer YouTube because I can listen to the news there instead of having to read it when I'm doing housework or cleaning my room. 

I may simply listen to it when I turn it on. 

I don't actually need to watch it to learn something. 

On YouTube, in addition to the news, you can search for and view other things besides simply the news, such as vlogs, music, and food videos. 

YouTube is another website that is simple to use, allows you to find what you're looking for quickly, and allows you to go back and look up earlier news.

Twitter is my fifth source of information. 

Twitter has the drawback of not providing extensive amounts of information. 

It's brief and straight to the point. 

Twitter also tweets about sports and current events. 

Retweeting is another effective way for people to spread information if you aren't exactly following that particular page. 

Additionally, individuals can tweet their own thoughts and respond to others' tweets. 

Reading other people's ideas and opinions might be stressful at times. 

Most of the time, I like to read brief, rapid news on Twitter. 

I also appreciate how convenient it is to read on both my phone and my laptop.

Final Post

I have learned a great deal about technology through this course.   I have grown up in a world where smart technology is everywhere.   I hav...