Thursday, September 1, 2022

5 News Sources


WRAL is the first place I go to for news.

I utilize this site because it is the local news station in my hometown.

They report breaking news about local events, such as sporting contests, community gatherings, and possible traffic jams.

In my perspective, WRAL does a fantastic job not just reporting on events in the local area, but also tackling global issues and political issues that are also present in the global community.

I also believe the news I'm hearing is accurate. 

Additionally, I think their website is simple to navigate and always helps me find the information I'm looking for.

I read the news on the WRAL website more frequently than I sit and watch it.

By using their website and the WRAL app, which I have on my phone, they make it simple to access the news while on the go.

CNN is my second go-to source for breaking news.

My teachers would turn on CNN in the mornings for us to watch and choose a current event to write on throughout middle school and high school.

In my perspective, CNN is simple to understand, and they explain their news simply.

Additionally, they talk about the current events in an approachable manner.

They attempt to make their news fascinating for you to watch, in my opinion.

I also watch CNN 10 when I'm in a rush or don't want to see the complete news stories.

Facebook is the third place I go to for news.

I believe that Facebook is where I find the majority of the news articles I read to be interesting.

Adults I know share the most recent news, and you can also hear what other people think and feel about the events that are happening right now.

Sometimes stories that I don't even follow show up, yet they nevertheless attract my attention to the point that I stop and click the link to read them.

Most of the time, I find the news intriguing enough to want to learn more, which usually prompts me to hunt up additional stories about it.

YouTube is the fourth place I go to for news. 

I prefer YouTube because I can listen to the news there instead of having to read it when I'm doing housework or cleaning my room. 

I may simply listen to it when I turn it on. 

I don't actually need to watch it to learn something. 

On YouTube, in addition to the news, you can search for and view other things besides simply the news, such as vlogs, music, and food videos. 

YouTube is another website that is simple to use, allows you to find what you're looking for quickly, and allows you to go back and look up earlier news.

Twitter is my fifth source of information. 

Twitter has the drawback of not providing extensive amounts of information. 

It's brief and straight to the point. 

Twitter also tweets about sports and current events. 

Retweeting is another effective way for people to spread information if you aren't exactly following that particular page. 

Additionally, individuals can tweet their own thoughts and respond to others' tweets. 

Reading other people's ideas and opinions might be stressful at times. 

Most of the time, I like to read brief, rapid news on Twitter. 

I also appreciate how convenient it is to read on both my phone and my laptop.

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