Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Freedom of speech

What are the 8 Values of Free Expression?

  • Marketplace of Ideas- The idea that the reality or acceptance of ideas is determined by their competition with one another rather than by the judgment of a critic, whether one is provided by the government or by some other authority.

  • Participation in Self-Government- Any procedure that directly involves the public in decision-making and fully takes into account public input while making that decision might be considered public participation.

  • Stable Change- Whether personality qualities present at birth remain stable or change throughout life is a topic of discussion in developmental psychology.

  • Individual Self-Fulfillment- It entails bringing oneself to a state of flourishing fulfillment and bringing out one's best qualities so that it serves as a successful conclusion of one's goals or potentials. It implies a well-lived life that is profoundly fulfilling, productive, and worthwhile in this way.

  • Check on Governmental Power- To show how citizens can learn about power abuses and, if they are motivated to, take action against the abuse at the polls, freedom of the press is essential.

  • Promote Tolerance- A more tolerant society is thought to be a better society, which has been supported by the argument that freedom of speech, particularly by our practice of protecting speech that is offensive to us personally or that we find cruel, teaches us to be more tolerant in other areas of life.

  • Promote Innovation-  The claim that freedom of speech, in particular our practice of protecting speech that is offensive to us personally or that we find hurtful, teach us to be more tolerant in other areas of our lives has been supported by the idea that a more tolerant society is considered to be a better society.

  • Protect Dissent- If you want protection for the things you enjoy, you first have to protect the things you don't like.

Which One I feel is Important

In my opinion I feel promoting Innovation  is closest's to me because I believe that it is important to be able to have freedom of speech. 

Freedom of speech is very important because it allows for people to state their feelings and opinions. 

If people were not allowed to state what was on their mind it would make people angry and things might not ever change. 

People should be allowed to express their thoughts without feeling like they have to hide their emotions.

I also see promoting Innovation in action today like when people don’t agree with laws or other things. 

People occasionally protest with signs and sometimes share their thoughts and opinions.  

That is where I see promoting innovation. 

I definitely feel privileged to live in a place where I can express my thoughts and opinions to where I don’t have to hide how I feel or be limited to what I am allowed to say.

When I was younger I definitely didn’t feel like I should speak up to where I was a quiet child and would let people tell me what I should believe in, how things should be and the way you should act.

As I have gotten older I've learned that when you don’t feel right about something or things might be unfair you need to speak up. 

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